Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's the Economy, Stupid

OK, Shaqheads. Today we officially begin the monumental project of defining every last nook and cranny of reality in terms of SHAQNESS. Everyone knows that the best way to approach a task of terrifyingly monumental scope and significance is to break it down into smaller, more manageable slices. Therefore, every few days, we here at If Shaq Were... will name a slice of reality that MUST be wholly reduced to its essential SHAQNESS.

The first slice? It's the economy, stupid.

Leave your suggestions for economic Shaqorisms in the "comments" here, or -- even better -- tweet them to us @ifshaqwere (twitter). Then, we the staff at If Shaq Were... will post our ten greatest ideas alongside the ten greatest user generated ideas.

By this process, slowly but surely, we will come to know the SHAQTUAL WORLD.

We'll get you started with one of our old favorites:

If Shaq created a comprehensive plan to solve the financial crisis, it would be the seminal work of Shaqroeconomics.

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